
7 Steps to Securing Rider Sponsorship

7 Steps to Getting Yourself Sponsored by a Brand

As an equestrian rider, securing sponsorship from an equestrian company takes hard work, commitment and planning. Here’s a few tips to get you started:

USE the Product

Step One begins with the product.It doesn’t mean you have to go looking for a new product. Start with a product you know well and have been using for a while

LOVE the Product

You have to truly love the product and be prepared to shout about the benefits. A great sponsored rider is one that is seen to be using the product regularly which makes for genuine endorsements.

MAKE Yourself Known

Get yourself seen by your potential sponsor. Sign up to their newsletter. Are you following all their social media accounts?Comment on their posts and share your own product review. Visit their tradestand and introduce yourself at a show (when you can!!)

CONNECT to the Brand

Find out who is responsible for sponsorship in the company and prepare a sponsorship proposal with a personal message. Be prepared to follow up if you don’t get a reply in the first instance.

SHOW Your Value

This is where you need to demonstrate your worth to a brand as sponsored rider or brand ambassador. Even at the most basic level, ‘free product’ still costs money and your sponsor will expect to see a return on their investment.

BUILD a Relationship

Most brands are inundated with sponsorship requests from riders. If your relationship begins with a free product, go above and beyond what is expected of you.This is your time to show your worth and begin building the foundations of a long-term partnership

DELIVER on your Promises

So, you’ve been lucky enough to secure the support of a brand but remember, many sponsorship relationships fall foul due to lack of communication. Once the initial flurry of activities has died down, plan how you will keep in touch and meet your obligations regularly.

Successful sponsorship is built on trust and communication. If you’re an equestrian rider and need help finding a sponsor, get in touch and let’s start working together!